Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_H
DUI articles are written on many topics and in general pertain to the topic of drunk driving, and more specifically the crime and punishments that follow a drunk driving and/or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) crime. When searching for DUI articles it's important to understand what specific topic you're researching as DUI articles span many different broad categories.
The various topics surrounding a DUI charge include such broad topics as:
· DUI punishments
· DUI drivers license suspensions
· DUI for commercial drivers (commercial drivers licenses are called CDL).
· DUI programs
· DMV penalties
· DUI insurance or more commonly referred to as SR22 insurance
· DUI expungement or record clearing.
· Breathalyzer tests
· Field sobriety tests
· DUI defense
And on, and on... But the point is that there are many different topics to discuss concerning DUI (drunk driving) and the specific articles that you may be seeking about the topic.
Each bulleted point above is a rather large area of conversation, legal research and contains many DUI articles about each particular subject. To get an in-depth perspective on each major DUI topic it is better to search on the topic keywords rather than simply searching on the general keyword DUI articles.
The best source to discover specific information and laws surrounding driving under the influence (drunk driving or DUI) is to seek out authority sites on the subject. You can do that by targeting the base keyword "DUI" or "DUI laws" in the major search engines. Then narrow your search on those specific DUI authority sites and seek out their particular DUI articles on the specific subject you are researching rather than initiating a search on Google or Yahoo with the keyword, DUI articles.
DUI Arrest Help.com is a recognized authority site for DUI/ drunk driving offenders. You can get a free consultation with a DUI lawyer and/or find the best deals on SR22 insurance or research their vast collection of DUI Articles
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